G.R.O.W. Girls

The 2nd Annual GROW Girls conference for grade 9 female identified students is returning this November 28th at Calvary Church. The founder, McKenna Hall has passed the lead to Hailey Crocker and Emma Jull. The two leadership students are keeping Ms. Hall’s initiative going and expanding it to not only Grade 9 female-identified students from College Avenue, but Huron Park, St. Marys, WCI, IDCI, Glendale, and Notredame Secondary Schools!

November 7th Ms. Jull, and Ms. Crocker successfully obtained support from the City of Woodstock. The city is providing transportation to the event from the high schools using city buses.

The day will begin with the keynote speaker Tessa Virtue, Canada’s Olympic Gold Medalist, and then students will break out into different workshops focused on empowerment, health, and mental wellness. Some of the workshops include DrumFit, Yoga, Creating Motivational Signs, Zumba, HIIT, and Aromatherapy Bracelet making.

If you have any questions please contact Emma Jull or Hailey Crocker. Follow along on social media by searching #GROWgirls!