Canstruction® is coming to London again! Canstruction is a fun and unique event engaging local architects, builders, contractors, engineers and designers to use their talents to help those struggling with food insecurity. The event raises funds, food and awareness for The Salvation Army London Food Community and Family Services.Teams design and build giant structures (CanArt®) made entirely out of non-perishable items and compete for awards in the following categories: Best Meal, Structural Ingenuity, Best Original Design, Most Cans, Best Use of Labels, and People’s Choice awards. Winners from each local competition then go on to compete internationally in these categories. Check out for more information, event statistics, and how Canstruction® supports food banks around the world.
Event details:
Canstruction runs from September 9-17.
The Build Date: September 8
Judging and Award Ceremony: September 9
People’s Choice Voting: September 9-17
Questions about Canstruction® London?
Call 519-660-5884 x103